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Project Operation

Puyi’s strength lies in our ability to operate R&D project efficiently and organize industrial production agilely. Our R&D project originates from customer’s market challenges and is driven by customer needs from development to commercial launch. The production management is based on agile manufacturing mode (technology licensing + market exclusive). We own the intellectual property for all of products we sell and market exclusive for most of products we license. Through transfer of technology to manufacturing partner, we can flexibly respond to diverse production needs with a wide range of operating condition and quality system.

■ R&D driven by customer needs

□ Face customer’s market challenges
□ Speed up customer’s commercial launch
□ Sustainable innovation establish competitive advantage
□ Technical and documentation support 

■ Project operation

□ Technology solution and synthesis design
□ Process development and improvement
□ Technology transfer to manufacturing partner
□ Sustainable improvement working together with partner


Project operation

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